Yes I know but this is a little late but hey at least the pictures are going on right? Better late then never! So this past Spring, me, Momma, and Daddy all headed West to the Golden State commonly known as California. We visited the lovely Bluncks and Wilsons and had a fabulous time. To start off here's some wonderful pictures of the Aquarium in L.A. that we visited the first day. It was so pretty and blue. But we chose a great day to go..... It was every 4th grade's fildtrip day to the aquarium so it made things interesting but still very enjoyable.
Amelia Jane and I had so much fun! Probably because I matched her maturity level on most occasions while visiting... Miss that little monkey...
Joel was so sweet! He was so happy and loved seeing all the fish. Pretty much he was like this the entire time, all happy and smiley.
Daddy and Me trying to keep an eye or two on those Wilson kids. There were scuba divers in the background trying to feed the fish and I think it brought back a lot of memories of when dad used to go diving all the time and his many adventures.
Grandma and little Joely became great friends too. I think it's their lack of height that made that special bonding moment...
Yes we are of varying heights here and yet we still all look the same and act the same. It was so good to see Kimberly again and have some good sisterly fun!
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